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At Dériver Designs, I specialise in the creation of beautiful bespoke pieces for your home. I believe that quality furniture is more than just a functional item in your home. My mission is to enhance any room in your home with beautiful, unique and inspiring designs. 


I renovate pieces that are often derived from vintage or antique items, which are sourced for their craftmanship, character and quality. Instead of being disregarded as 'old fashioned', many of these solid and beautifully built pieces deserve to be appreciated and loved for many more years to come... it just takes a little creativity and vision!

Introducing a beautiful piece of furniture, art or decor item helps to reinvigorate the 'familiar' in your home, whilst bringing a sense of joy, style and personality. Browse our collection today and discover your perfect piece! 

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Dériver (french, verb);         

       1. to derive from;         

       2. obtained from something else;               3. to drift, walk without destination.   

French situationalists in the 1950's define 'a dérive' as walking without a direction in mind and being guided by what takes your interest; interacting with your surroundings, whether

old or new, with fresh eyes, attention, and

renewed emotions.  

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I'm Steph, the designer behind Dériver Designs.  I believe that our wellbeing and health is intrinsically linked with the spaces that we live in, and that happiness and peace can be gained from an aesthetically harmonious design in our surroundings.



It is all to easy to overlook our homes, with the hectic and stressful pace of everyday life and it is easy to forget to take comfort and peace in our surroundings, becoming blind to the familiar... ​It may sound vain to focus on the aesthetic, but like a piece of amazing art, a good design can be soothing to our souls, giving us a moment to slow down and a feeling of peace and contentment in our lives.



Dériver (verb, french): 

1. to derive from;

2. obtained from something else;

3. to drift, walk without destination guided by interest.



I set up Dériver Designs after my own stressful period of life and began to look for a better balance, with lots of ambling through the beautiful Surrey Hills helping to clear my mind. French Situationalists from the 1950's call this type of walking 'dérive'; to walk being guided to where takes your interest and to see familiar surroundings with renewed attention... I think this is a good metaphor to live by! 



My passions have always been working practically and creatively with design, wood, colours and natural textures, and over the years I have transformed my home into a sanctuary for myself and my family. So here I am, finally doing what I love,  by lovingly transforming the somewhat mundane and unloved, following where my intuition and creativity takes me to spread joy and beauty to your home with my pieces! ​​


I understand that your home is a reflection of your personality, and that's why my top priority is to create quality, bespoke designs with care and attention to detail, as unique as you are. You can purchase ready made pieces, or commission a piece to your exact colour and requirements! â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹â€‹

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